There are several types of dentures:
- the fixed ceramic prosthesis offers a great aesthetic quality, an increased comfort and also a better function.
- The removable resin prosthesis is a more economical and easier option.
To know which prosthesis to choose, the following conditions must be met:
- The dentist must perform a thorough dental examination and periodontal examination, as we do in our facility.
- The planning of the clinical case must be done correctly, especially regarding the surgery and the prosthesis.
- The design of the prosthesis must take into account the loads that it will have to support and the perfect fit of the parts to avoid forces that could cause overuse of the implants.
The training and experience of the dental surgeon are essential elements of success in order to provide excellent care. These elements are an integral part of our dental approach and contribute to the personalization of the treatment adapted to each individual.
By having its own on-site prosthesis laboratory, our establishment guarantees a permanent exchange between the prosthetist and the dentist:
- for the most complex cases, it is the certainty to answer in the best way with a customized answer;
- for the most classic cases, it is the guarantee of a faster and high quality treatment, with a global care without loss of time or information between the various participants.